Shoulder Extension Static

Shoulder Extension Static

The Shoulder Extension Static stretch is a passive stretch that prepares elbows and shoulders for straight arm strength work. Straight arm strength is necessary for many gymnastic-based endeavors and bodyweight exercises.

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Weighted Shoulder Extension Hang

weighted shoulder extension hang

The Weighted Shoulder Extension Hang intensifies the shoulder extension stretch. The weight makes it an active mobility drill. It opens the chest and lengthens the biceps, but should be approached after the athlete is comfortable with the non-weighted version.

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The manna is part of traditional gymnastic strength training. When performed properly, it looks almost impossible. It begins with an L-Sit, and then the body compresses in on itself, lifting the hips upward while the body is supported only by the arms.

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Manna Wall Slide

Manna Wall Slide

The Manna Wall Slide is a Manna progression that stabilizes the upper body hold required to lift hips upward. This exercise strengthens traps by retracting scapulae (pinching them together) and aligning shoulders over the hands. The wall eliminates the need to focus attention on the core compression.

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Middle Split Hold

middle split hold

The Middle Split Hold is a multi-dimensional bodyweight exercise. It requires a foundation of straight arm strength, core compression, upper back stability, medial glute engagement, and hip flexor strength. All components are needed at one time as the athlete controls the straddle and forward hip press.

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Shoulder Extension Stretch

shoulder extension stretch

The Shoulder Extension Stretch opens the chest and lengthens the biceps. It is great for correcting slumped posture. It activates the traps, pinching the shoulder blades together, which naturally corrects the stance of the upper thoracic spine.

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Turn Average Physical Abilities into Astonishing Results

GymnasticBodies athlete demonstrates top support on the rings while in straddle.

Prepare yourself to embark on a journey to a place where people of all shapes and sizes exhibit superhuman strength and elastic flexibility. In the world of Gymnastic Strength TrainingTM, you will find that even average, everyday people can transform themselves into the strongest, most powerful athletes on planet earth. In this world of remarkable

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3 Exercises to Build Better Shoulder Mobility

3 Exercises to Build Better Shoulder Mobility 1

Shoulder mobility is important for your health and fitness; Gymnastic Strength TrainingTM using the GymnasticBodies Online Courses is a great way to begin incorporating effective shoulder exercises into your weekly workout or fitness routine. An important part of developing strong, healthy shoulders is making sure they are mobile. These 3 simple introductory shoulder exercises are an

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What's different about a GST workout?

What's different about a GST workout? 2

This exercise can be found in the GB Foundation Series. When many people first hear about Gymnastics Strength Training™, they often wonder what is different about a GST™ workout. While they can easily picture what a CrossFit, yoga, or martial arts class may look like, they are unclear on exactly what adult gymnastics classes entail. What kind of

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Foundation Equipment: The Back Strap

Foundation Equipment: The Back Strap 3

When fitness enthusiasts approach our GymnasticBodies courses for the first time, they often ask what GST™ Foundation equipment they will need to start training. Fortunately, one huge benefit to Gymnastics Strength Training™ is its most important piece of equipment. This irreplaceable exercise tool is something that you have with you in all places at all times: your

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