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Help: My Warmup, Mobility, Prehab/Rehab is TOO Long & Tiring


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Help: My Warmup, Mobility, Prehab/Rehab is TOO Long & Tiring

TOO Long & Tiring? My Warmup, Mobility, Prehab / Rehab, Cooldown

After a number of injuries (Shoulders 1, 2, Ribs 3) and with help from a local GB member in India, I started off.

Another real big help was BrainDx's Bodyweight Strength Article, its details, breakdown & the following outline:

1. Warmup / mobility work

2. Skill development - I am guessing this is mostly FSPs

3. Strength/power work - I am guessing this is mostly FBEs

4. Cool down / prehabilitative or rehabilitative work

MAJOR ISSUE & REQUEST: How do I make it shorter & less tiring without losing Quality?

This time I paid special attention to the warmups & mobility stuff and do them as shown below.

My warmup / mobility is a bit too tiring and much longer than my workout. Takes me a good 45min + to get done with it.

I have got do the "Sun Salutations" and I wonder if doing several rounds of them would allow me to skip some of the stuff?

Can you help me SHORTEN my OVERDONE / EXTENDED warmup work below.

Also - Would the following stuff be counted as Pre-hab or Re-hab work? Do advise. Should I move some of this stuff to AFTER the main workout?

Should I do all of the mobility stuff everyday? What can I do to decrease the time it takes.. Ido has a lot of good stuff and it doing all of BrainDx's links takes a lotta time. Suggestions?


# Pre yoga warmup:

Jogging in place & Loosening up - Includes moving & rotating all joints from neck, shoulder, waist, hips, knees, down to the ankles.

# Yoga: Suryanamaskars / Sun Salutations (3 to 7 to 12 rounds)

- Quite a good warmup (begins to make you sweat soon) & also works on almost all muscle groups / joints in antagonistic moves through the body.

- Part of my spiritual practice so something I prefer not to miss / avoid -

Sequence Samples: Sample Video


# BrainDx Recommended Links from BrainDx's Bodyweight Strength Article which links Ido & Coaches Mobility stuff:

I dont have the weights or bungee cords yet so its without them. Do bunch of these without the bands by just emulating resistance.

Shoulders: (Do bunch of these without the bands by just emulating resistance. Buy them soon)



NO. A bit afraid of doing it since my injury before. Should I try this slowly? Before / After my workout? Plus dont know if my grips any good?



Jim Bathurst has suggested an alternative to wall slides:

I was shown a great/better variation where you sit with your butt against the wall, legs straight out in front of you. Grab some PVC at 90/90 elbow/shoulder degree and press above your head like a wall slide.


Improving back flexibility 1 - Bridge Wall Walks - Do it to some level, but not all the way down. I can do a BACK BRIDGE (Thanks to Yoga) on the floor, but a little afraid of going all the way down :).

Improving back flexibility 2 - Bridge - Can do the hold but not trying that

as yet.


YES. But on my knees and that too not putting almost any weight on the hand / wrist.

YES. Emulating resistance without the rice bucket. Will get soon.

YES. Partially only. Cant do the Finger Pushups etc.

Hips/ankles/legs: (Not done these as yet as did not feel the need / also was tired of extended warmup - DO I NEED TO DO THIS? SHOULD I DO THIS?)




Ankles (can be found page 4)

The splits… and more…

(2) FSPs

(3) FBEs ... both posted here...

(4) POST-WORKOUT COOLDOWN: (I might post pictures of these Yoga Positions if you'd like to see)

I have a special kick ass Yoga Sequence which stretches and relaxes almost every muscle / joint of the body. (Especially: Shoulders, Spine, Back, Ribs, Hip Joint etc.)

I hold each position for 5 slow long deep 'ujjai' / diaphragmatic breaths. I literally come out of it relaxed with almost no workout feelings.

I have outlined my experiences with doing each of the above. I'd like to see if there's duplicates / overlap / some way to shorten it out.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Carmen Amara

I can totally relate to your practice sine I am a yogini.

I think Surya Namaskara is a great warm up both energetically and physically, but I would also mix in the mobility work as well.

I know that upward dog is one of warm ups in the mobility work, so you can omit that one since it's performed in Surya Namaskara. The wrist warm ups should be done and the finger push ups as well.

I am testing Ashtanga with gymnastics training, so I can let you know how I progress as I get more involved with this.

I completely understand not wanting to miss your yoga practice for spiritual purposes. It may sound unusual but as I'm working on my static holds, I try to use the Drishti and the Ujjayi breathing. I am trying to take my spiritual practice in everything I do.

I hope this helps somewhat.


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  • 4 weeks later...
I can totally relate to your practice sine I am a yogini.

I think Surya Namaskara is a great warm up both energetically and physically, but I would also mix in the mobility work as well.

I know that upward dog is one of warm ups in the mobility work, so you can omit that one since it's performed in Surya Namaskara. The wrist warm ups should be done and the finger push ups as well.

I am testing Ashtanga with gymnastics training, so I can let you know how I progress as I get more involved with this.

I completely understand not wanting to miss your yoga practice for spiritual purposes. It may sound unusual but as I'm working on my static holds, I try to use the Drishti and the Ujjayi breathing. I am trying to take my spiritual practice in everything I do.

I hope this helps somewhat.


Thanks for commenting and sharing your insights Carmen :).

I just got back from 20 days at the Ashram... and there was this fellow who could pretty much do every GB static hold (I think most of them.. and some more crazy Acrobatic postures). I took his contact and will be figuring out how he progressed into it..

I am beginning to see how most of Yoga was too 'diluted' or maligned such that the TRUE STRENGTH stuff that Gymnastics require is hard to find.

I use Ujjayi breath a lot as well for my Yoga moves and I know thats what has helped me stabilize all the tough positions.. in space :) Supermans, Boat Pose (held for 5-6 long deep Ujjais = Strong core) etc.. Bow Pose.. etc.

I have yet to properly use Uj Breath for GB Static moves... lets see. I know that it will help a lot.. I tried it with some and then dropped it because I needed to focus on the hold positioning.. For now I am barely doing the holds stable enough to go into an Ujjai Relaxthon.. :) I will try it out the coming week though.

When you say Drishti... please elaborate what you mean so that I dont misconstrue.. / misunderstand. (Drishti / Drishta etc).

Om Namah Shivay :)

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Carmen Amara

Shanti Om I apologize but I didn't see your response until today. How is your training coming along?

Dristhi are points where your eyes stare at in order to gain focus and inner awareness.

Ex.third eye, feet when bending forward, navel when doing Adho Muka Savasana. You can set up a point where you look at so you learn to leave the outside senses and focus inwardly. This also strenghthens your vision.

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Trainings been good last 2 days. A bit longer than expected. I need to figure out a way to cut the time.

Ah! Got it.. focusing on energy centers. Thanks for the refresher :)

Have you tried Drishti with any of the FSPs? If so, where are you focusing on for them?

I tried PL Frog Stand but with my eyes closed I tend to go off balance. Need to figure out if there is a better point / center to focus on.

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Carmen Amara

Yes, I understand as my training tends to be a long one as well. Make the best of what you can.

It depends, I look up to my third eye when I'm in an inversion or at the tip of my nose. If it's a static hold I either look at the tip of my nose or just focus on the om symbol that I place in front of me. Try it out, and let me know how that works.

The frog can be the same as tip of the nose.

I've been out of my yoga practice as I teach as well but I really need to go back. I miss it :(

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