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Sooo Complicated!

Mike Barkowski

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Mike Barkowski

So i bought BTGB... and now realize you need to be a rocket scientist to figure out this program!

Seriously, I read the whole book, and still have no clue whatsoever where to even begin! nothing in the book is in any type of order, and you need to understand SO much in order to even begin! Sooo frustrating. why no sample routines? why no clear directions? so disappointed! how the heck am I ever going to figure this out?

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Which is one of the reasons the forum is here.

There is also the Daily WOD you can use.

Well you have a lot of options.

You can do just static training. FSP's using the 60s of volume method. Or do that as a SteadyStateCycle as most of us on the forum agree that it should be done as.

You can do integrated training which is FSP+FBEs. In the book it says to simple use a different pull, push, core and leg exercise per day rotated on variations. This is what the Killroy70 program follows.

Now you can program the FBEs as 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps or use ladders or pyramids. Or you can vary the exercise by starting out with easy ones and escalating in difficulty in regards to what exercise you use.

If you post what your goals are and what you are capable of, we could probably help you out.

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When Coach Sommer first wrote the book he assumed that those interested were not beginners. It helps to remember he's been working with high level athletes for thirty years, so he thought much of the groundwork was a given. He has realized that there are many beginners (like myself) who are interested in the program, and is taking steps to revise the book to reflect that.

Unfortunately this all takes time.

There have been a couple of good posts about where to start.



On the simplest level, if you are a total beginner with little strength training experience, this is one possible starting plan. It might last you a month or a year depending on your condition, and will give some time to asses where you are strength wise, and begin to set some goals for yourself.

Mr Brady's Rock Bottom Starter Program

Warm Up

light run

dynamic mobility -

rotate/move all joints: neck - arms - wrists - fingers - waist - hips - knees - ankles - toes


cherry pickers


Fundamental Static Poses (FSPs)


Reverse Plank

Hollow Body Hold

Arch Body Hold

Support Hold

High Bar Hang

Wall Handstand

Fundamental Bodyweight Exercises (FBEs)



Push Up


Pull Up


Multi Plane

360 Pull anyhow on rings or high bar


Deck Squat or Single Leg Squat

Natural Glute Ham Raise


V Ups

Back Extensions

Hanging Leg Lifts


Standing pike stretch

Standing straddle stretch

Standing side stretch

Standing arch stretch

Siting pike stretch

Siting straddle stretch

Siting side stretch


Bridge variation

- shoulder bridge

- legs elevated bridge

- full bridge

Shoulder stand

Plow (if feet won't go to floor put them up on a chair or wall)


Do the warm up + FSPs + one FBE category paired with one Core exercise for a total of three FBEs per session.

The flexibility module can be done after the warm up or after the FBE's depending on what you prefer, or even completely separately.

Build to one minute in each FSP, repeat the FSP 1-3 times then move to the next FSP, rest as little as possible between sets.

Do each FBE section as a super set 3-5 reps each 3-5 super sets.

An example super set - 4 x push ups 4 x rows 4 x V Ups. Rest as much as needed then repeat 3-5 times.

Rotate through this list each session. Try to have 2-4 sessions per week.

Some FBE's may need further scaling you can ask about this and any other specifics.

I follow a program similar to this in my adult 'yoga strength' class and it works well.

Start with something, the program is meant to be a long term one, we are all constantly learning and adding to the body of knowledge. As you progress keep doing a little research every week as well and keep familiarizing yourself with the book. Reading here and where ever else and slowly the pieces will fall into place. It also took me a good six months to get comfortable, but i'm glad for that as it also gave my body plenty of time to adjust.

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Set up some personal goals.

For example, Back lever, Front lever, Planch, Handstand etc.

Then find oput the progressions for your goals in the book.

I started out with integrated training (page 178 in the book).

I Did this for about 6 months. After that I started to do the Wods.

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I generally organize the planes similar to Mr. Brady but like this:

Horizontal - Rows (FL rows) Pushups (PL pushups)

Vertical - Pullups & Dips

Inverted - Inverted Pullups or BodyCurls (I prefer the first name as that is what I was introduced them as) &HSPU

Combined push/press - MuscleUp (as example)

Multiplane/press - ChestRoll2HS or Yewki (as examples)

Legs actually start off with deck squats before SLS. Most little children generally start off with deck squats on a mat. They will probably be exposed to lunge fairly early but won't be required to do one where the back knee touches the ground for quite some time.

And Brady, you forgot L work, Handstands, and bridges and candlesticks. Watching a basic gymnastics class and those will be worked whether they are 3 (though bridges are often scaled till about 5/6) or 30.

Another FSP would be PB support.

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BB i didn't forget it but that was a plan to get someone started L-sit comes a little later once those super basics are down. That's why i put Rock Bottom in the title. Those are the bottom rung pre-reqs. PB support is there as is Handstand. This might last a person a month or two to get acclimated.

I didn't want to get that involved with bridges etc as this is for a person who's confused and aggravated.Maybe i should have put it for more completeness. Along with some basic tumbling, forward rolls, cartwheels. I just put etc instead, my bad. Still that took a while to write up and make clean and i had to leave some meat on the bone for everyone else to chime in.

For the same reason i kept the planes simple and only the one Multi-plane the 360 pull which covers a lot of bases without being too demanding. Even then i wan't sure if it should be included. This is for someone who may be working at home with limited time and perhaps no experience. The Rock Bottom program is directed squarely there.

You are right about the deck squats, i almost put there but for no particular reason choose SLS, in fact i'll add it now.

Edit- I added more added a basic flexibility section Bob has a good point. If the program is of use to our total beginners i will try to keep updating it as feedback comes in.

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He has realized that there are many beginners (like myself) who are interested in the program, and is taking steps to revise the book to reflect that.

Glad to hear that and look forward to the revised edition.

My thoughts were similar (though not quite as frustrated as this guy) when I first read the book - at the end, I just wanted some simple programs to follow without having to make too many decisions or plan and periodize things myself

There is a ton of information on this forum, which is awesome and the quality of posts here is great. But it can be overwhelming, too and nuggets are often hidden away. So a revised Ed. with sample programs (perhaps for different levels/goals), similar to fitness books would make things =more accessible. though I imagine the task of distilling down everything down, while taking into account peoples different abilities and backgrounds is much harder here than traditional bodybuilding/fitness books aimed at reshaping your body etc.

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