Eccentric Half Press Handstand
The Eccentric Half Press Handstand is a handstand drill and press handstand progression that strengthens the compression and trap strength that an athlete needs to perform a press handstand. By only doing the first half of a press, the athlete can focus on the more complex body control needed for a smooth transition without fatiguing from the full press.
- Type Of Exercise: Skill
- Muscles: Shoulders, Trapezius, Middle Back, Abdominals
- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Equipment: Parallettes
Eccentric Half Press Handstand
- Stand on parallettes, fold forward, and grab ahold of them just in front of your feet.
- Strongly shrug your shoulders to your ears, step up to your tiptoes, and continue to press down until your feet lift straight up off of the parallettes.
- Keep your shoulders open and avoid leaning forward to lift up.
- Continue pressing until your hips stack over your shoulders.
- Once your hips are stacked, hold your feet off the bars for time.
- Lower down with control to end each set and never allow yourself to planche forward.
- Exercise: Vertical Press to Ankles
- Type of Exercise: Strength
- Muscles: Shoulders, Trapezius, Middle Back, Abdominals
- Difficulty: Moderate
- Equipment: Plyometric Box, Slider
- Exercise: Eccentric Half Press Handstand to Straddle L-Sit
- Type of Exercise: Skill
- Muscles: Shoulders, Trapezius, Middle Back, Abdominals
- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Equipment: Parallettes