Negative Standing Pike Press Handstand
The Negative Standing Pike Press Handstand is a pike press handstand progression that allows the athlete to strengthen against the negative movement of the press. This is great for clarifying the muscle memory or restrengthening tendons and muscles for the full press.
- Type Of Exercise: Skill
- Muscles: Shoulders, Trapezius, Middle Back, Abdominals
- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Equipment: Body Only
Negative Standing Pike Press Handstand
- Begin in a stable handstand on parallettes with proper body alignment.
- Lower your legs straight down until you have a 90-degrees bend at your hips.
- Once you reach this halfway point, allow your spine to curl from lower back to upper until your feet reach the floor.
- During this eccentric pike press handstand, keep your upper body in proper alignment (shoulders above your wrists), your legs totally straight, and your shoulders elevated and protracted.
- Kick back up to handstand and repeat this negative press variation for reps.
- Exercise: Negative Standing Straddle Press Handstand
- Type of Exercise: Skill
- Muscles: Shoulders, Trapezius, Hips, Abdominals
- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Equipment: Body Only or Parallettes
- Exercise: Standing Tuck Press Handstand
- Type of Exercise: Skill
- Muscles: Shoulders, Trapezius, Middle Back, Abdominals
- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Equipment: Body Only