Dear all, I'm pretty certain that I strained my hamstrings. What to do to get me back to where they're healthy? About a month ago, I was bed-ridden with that seasonal cold/flu and as a result I became awfully stiff. Anyways, upon recovering from my illness I'm fairly certain that I pushed myself too hard in some stretching/cooldown components post-workout and now experience excessive tightness in my hamstrings. Furthermore forward bending, as one would do in a standing pike, exhibits a lot of stress (and not the debacle between soreness and injury, it feels like injury). Does anyone know of any methodologies that speed the recovery. I'm thinking of specific yoga stretches/routines or various weighted stretches or holds that might help expedite the recovery time. I can still do all of the Foundation and Handstand exercises. I use lacrosse balls, rumble rollers and do yoga from 10-45 minutes a day, on top of the stretching series. Though, to be fair the front split routine may be sidelined due to the aforementioned problem with my hamstrings. Any insights or help from coaches or more knowledgeable types is appreciated. Thanks, Danny