Hey there. Someone copied a link to a book "body by science", and ofc i wanted to read it because i wanted to know if this is really true. So the book tells you that 1 workout per week is enough, to see some visible results, and quite good results. I also attend a college where we have physiology and anatomy and such stuff, so i knew my way around in the book. it really does makes sense from a physiology view, so you break down muscles and you just rest until you are stronger than before, makes sense. And then i really questioned myself, do i benefit more with my 4 workouts a week (each muscle 2x) or would i gain more hyper,strength with less frequency. And than still a question or more of a habit, a drug... "but no, what will i do on rest days, i have to do some exercies" it really hit me, just like in the book that people really developed this kinda of thinking. I would try this type of training, but then i think what if i would waste my time. silly maybe, but im in kinda whirlpool right now. maybe for dynamic exercises more apart, what about statics like FL,BL,PL... i really hope for some of your thoughts and insights cheers