Hello, not sure where to start really. I have joined today hoping to find some advice regarding poor squat mobility. I am following a strength training program which included compound lifts such as barbell squat, deadlift & bench press. I have been following this program for 6 months & have increased the weight I can lift on all exercises. But not as much as the programme calls for & I am wondering if it is due to my medical condition. I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome & this comes with joint hypermobility. When I was young I was extremely flexible but this seems to have lessened a bit as I have aged.
The main problems I am facing is on the squat. It just feels unnatural & uncomfortable to do. I experience soreness at the top of my knees at the lower part of the quadricep & pain in my groin. As soon as I take a wide stance & descent my groin feels like it limited in opening & I experience slight pain. I also seem to favour one leg which I think has caused a strain on my outer quad muscle. I have heard that people with hypermobile joints should never stretch but I actually think this is what I need?
Any advice or guidance would be appreciated.