So after listening to both episodes with Coach Sommer's on the Tim Ferris Show I decided to purchase the fundamentals course of GB. Im 22 years old, 6'3, 200lbs. For the past 8 years I have been a bodybuilder/powerlifter and like many people neglected to train mobility/ flexibility and joint strength. Because of this I suffer from compromised range of motion, inflexibility, and muscular imbalances (such as kyphotic Shoulders and in the lower back due to compensation from a slipped disk injury) It was the idea that GST could help correct these types of issues that I have. However, and this is my main question. I love bodybuilding and powerlifting and don't want to give them up. I know to get the most out of GB I would most likely have to only focus on GST and to correct the previously mentioned problems I would have to solely focus on GST for sometime (which I am fine with). Would the use of GST to recommended for someone like me who's main passion is bodybuilding/powerlifting? Do you thing I would still benefit from these types of training? Will my barbel and weighted work benefit from this type of training ? Please give any feed back you see fit, no matter how direct or straight forward.
Thank you.