Hey all - I'm sure something similar has been posted before, so feel free to redirect if so. I couldn't find an appropriate search term.
I work as a consultant, and as such, my schedule can be fairly unpredictable. Typically I have 3-4 weeks of steady training time where I make good progress, and then hit by 2-3 week stretches of travel and long work hours that slow me down. I'll find a local gym but struggle to muster the energy to do my current programming.
I was wondering if there were any tips/guidelines for maintaining strength in these occasional 2-3 week stretches of travel/jetlag/long desk hours? I usually just end up doing some stretches I find fitting, and while I haven't lost progress, I find myself sometimes slow to get back into the groove when I'm back to my normal routine.
Has anyone tried anything that they feel good about when they know they're not going to perform at their current peak? Maybe extending the de-load week just for the purpose of maintaining momentum, only stretching, or turning off the early alarm and just extending rest and sleep?
Would love to hear thoughts as I haven't found the compromise for myself yet