Hello all.
Brand new here. Two years ago I bulged a cervical disc... then about two weeks ago at BJJ I bulged it again. Have decided (at 44) my BJJ days are over.
A friend who knows I need a replacement for BJJ recommended GST... and it looks just brilliant. I need something challenging, long-term, without the injury rate of other sports... getting too old!
I'm obviously taking 2-3 months off any training while the disc settles down (currently have referred pain down my arm and shoulder, and my index finger is numb... can't sit down, or stand still without agony setting in #FML).
But getting started with GST - in a couple of months - given my neck... is there any issues? Things I should think about/prep for in advance?
Also - given I get really depressed when I don't work out - if there are any things I COULD be starting with, even with a bulged disc... I'd love some guidance as to what those are.
Kindest regards,