I saw athlete Chen Yibing perform iron cross on the Olympics of 2008 and this raised a few questions:
1. Are his elbows bent and pointing DOWN, or are they pointing UP and hyper-extended (bent the wrong way)?
2. Is the correct form to have elbows pointing up or elbows pointing down?
3. Is the false grip he uses allowed for iron cross or is it considered cheating? Will doing iron cross without false grip give you more points and higher scores in the competition?
4. Where does iron cross stand in terms of difficulty rating compared to the other straight arm still rings static positions? For example is it considered harder than planche?
In order to make sure we are speaking the same language I've added pictures of the possible positions.
The the pictures are elbows down, elbows back, elbows up, in that specific order from top to bottom:
EDIT: added athlete's name and event
EDIT: added pictures of possible arm positions