Hi Everyone,
This inquiry follows off of the back of a recent post.
I'm still in the early days of Foundation One (started June 2021). Currently, I have quite a bit of ongoing mobility limitations - and I work in offices so reducing the extent of desk atrophy is a constant battle. I am working through these with the Stretch & Mobility series, so I am prioritising those. In the mean time, however, I am progressing through the various modules and levels of the Foundation series.
Out of curiosity, I cast my eyes at the higher levels in the foundation series to see what I was being steered towards (over the course of the next several years of course - I am in no rush). Whilst there are some modules I would like to see through to the end (Manna series, for example), there are others where I don't know how far I am interested in progressing - or even how far I will be able to progress due to barriers to accessing the correct equipment (cost, space, location...).
Can I ask for peoples' thoughts and personal experiences on progressions and stopping at a certain point in a series progression?
For example, in the Foundation Core Side Lever progression series, if I had no access to stall bars or an equivalent that would allow me to start the Side Lever Block exercises (leve 3 /level 4), is there a good place to stop? Is there a particular exercise / set of exercises that you - a fellow practitioner or moderator - would recommend alternating between until such a time as I might have access to stall bars?
Thank you for your support and insight.