UPDATE: 08.24.2013 https://www.gymnasticbodies.com/forum/topic/9246-russian-and-ukrainian-street-workout-and-gimbarr/#entry124290 Scroll the page down. Original part of post as of 11.23.2012 ----- In Russia and Ukraine street workout evolved in the past two-three years into something hardcore. It's not uncommon thing to see full planches, full planches push ups, front lever variations, planche presses to handstand and etc. Just wanted to share this video, with the compilation of best summer 2012 moments in street workout. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhiyHUg2TZY And one of the things I haven't found in GB forums is gimbarr. It's a columbian offspring of street gymnastics, including alot of strange and unique flexiblity and strength elements. In Russia and Ukraine it became really famous. I guess besides Columbia, these post-soviet countries are the only ones practicing it. I have found that circus artists have the so called "meat hook" and other variations, but it's done on a rope, not on the bar.