I've just restared to practice meditation (using Headspace wich is a nice app, I'm not advertising). I used to practice it some times in past, my longest period of daily meditation was three months and I saw some results, but I haven't been able to be more conistent and to create a real habit.
In this forum I've red suggestions about meditation expecially for recovery aims. What kinds of meditation do you suggest or prefer and why?
After I'll complete foundamentals I would like to try to incorporate into in my morning limber routine some mindful movements or better to render all the routine a real movement meditation.
Maybe practicing mindfulness in this way will be easier for me and I'll do it for longer periods.
What do you think about tai chi chuan and qi gong?
Do you particularly like or use some exercises of these discilplines?
Any other suggestions? Also about books, websites, videos...
Thanks a lot to everyone how will give me his/her own contriìbute.