So, after many years of discomfort, I finally settled on having the bone spur under my VMO removed -- turns out it was 2.8cm long and 1.6cm wide. The single leg squat may now actually be a feasible goal once I'm back to fighting shape.
In terms of GST, I was wondering what people suggest/recommend in terms of therapeutic exercises. I'm going it alone as I've read everything I can get my hands on regarding exercise, therapy, rehab, prehab, rep ranges, and so on, so I don't feel convinced that a physio would somehow surprise me with his suggestions and offer up solutions that I hadn't thought of myself. That being said, regressions of GB movements that could serve as rehab and eventually prehab and other ideas would be much appreciated. I'm obviously not about to jump right into the knee series, though that's an eventual goal. I'm currently doing laps in a pool -- making my way to kid's end ever so cautiously and going to eventually include the F1 elements of SLS series when my knee flexion is back to at least 90 degrees if not greater. I've also noted Coach's support of heat rub and have been using tiger balm very liberally (though being mindful to not lather it on too high up on my thigh...) @Wesley Tan @Coach Sommer @Alessandro Mainente.
I will also upload some photos eventually to show where exactly I had surgery (as of July the 7th) and how recovery has gone thus far.