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The perfect one arm pushup ?

Deins Drengers

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So his video showed a completely substandard attempt, but you believe his blog entry anyway where he says he used good form? Since when does someone's word contradict the evidence of your own eyes?

Yours in Fitness,

Coach Sommer

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It's true that his first attempt where he got off the floor was substandard, but he knows it because I told him. This guy is a machine. He posted on his blog about a month and a half after that attempt. I don't think it's going to be perfect, but I think it probably will be somewhat acceptable, especially given that his attempt with the sidebend was one of the most impressive attempts I've seen yet. An other reason why I believe his form will be much improved is that this guy progressed FAST. He started working specifically on the OAHeSPU only a few months ago. He built his strength using weights first, and he is very strong with weights. I believe it is why he's improving fast. He's learning to use the strength he already has to do a very, very hard movement. That's why I believe that his form can probably improve very fast. I don't know how good it'll look, but I believe him if he says it's gotten much better.

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Please, you're spitting on it like it's nothing. Give it a try, you'll see if it's weak! And be somewhat respectful. It's not because you're on a forum and don't see people face to face that you have to be disrespectful. This guy is more than just bent pressing his bodyweight. He can already dumbbell press his own bodyweight with one arm. There's something going on there. He's trying to achieve something exceptional and he's getting closer and closer. I have a very high respect for that.

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Connor Davies

If he can dumbbell press his bodyweight, why can't he one arm handstand pushup?  I always assumed the carryover would be pretty similar.  Also I've never heard of someone dumbbell press their bodyweight.


Anyway, I'm not trying to dismiss his achievement.  Well, maybe a little bit.  It's still damn impressive.

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The carry over is usually never perfect, and the technique is very different. He's got a LOT of strength to play with, but he's been spending the last few months training the OAHeSPU. It's hard, because you cannot just push straight when you do a OAHeSPU. Your body have to be tilted a certain way at the bottom of the position, then you need to get it back up straighter as you come back up. I told the guy to let his body tilt at the shoulder to have his weight more on his hand when he starts. So basically, he built a big bank of strength using weights, and now he's learning to use it for a bodyweight exercise I've never seen anybody achieve. But this guy is not anybody. He can bang multiple one arm pull-ups and he's just beastly strong.


For the one arm dumbbell press, I red his blog again, and he's 10 pounds short of doing his own bodyweight according to his last post about that. He can do 3x135 followed by multiple singles with 135, and he weights 145.

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Connor Davies

135 is damn good for a dumbbell military press.  It's about the heaviest I've ever heard of actually.  Not bad for 145.


Question: was he doing them with his feet held together?  Because otherwise he's probably missing a key element of core tension that would help with the one arm headstand pushup.

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I don't know, I haven't seen it, I just read about it on his blog. But like I said, this guy is insanely strong, you can see it on his Youtube channel, so I believe him when he says he did something really hard. More videos will come up at some point anyway.

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Mikael Kristiansen

That 1 arm headstand push up is impressive. Very heavy for sure, though freestanding it would be next to impossible with his form. I find it really amusing that his form reminds me of how bboys do airchair up to 1 arm. Notice how he uses his arm to pull his leg towards him to get somewhat into balance. Airchair uses the same dynamic to get into position but they then kick to lift to 1 arm.

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Yeah, that's true! I'm looking forward to see what he'll do with it. I expect his form to be much better next time he uploads a video of that. I always imagined the freestanding form similar to going down and up from OAHS to croc, but without the croc being horizontal. Like, a croc that leans upside down a lot.

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This is the same guy who can rep OACs like almost nothing and could do full FL and full FL rows like on his first try. I believe him that he could do a full ROM OAHeSPU on the wall with cleaner form than his old video.


Dumbbell pressing nearly his full body weight with only one arm is absolutely insane. I wonder what his two arm military press is.


Question: was he doing them with his feet held together?  Because otherwise he's probably missing a key element of core tension that would help with the one arm headstand pushup.

You will be balancing on your hand in the OAHeSPU whereas in a military press you are balancing on your feet, which changes things completely. I'm sure his core is already super strong based on his front levers and many reps of full ab wheel roll-outs.

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  • 3 years later...

 It is indeed possible to do one hand pushups with feet together, but its very difficult, especially if you are over 200 pounds. I have a recent video of me doing 4 one hand pushups with both feet together that I might post later on and I am working on getting 12 reps of one hand pushups with both feet together, which I did when I was younger.


Edit on 2/15/17: I accomplised my goal in the one hand pushup exercise and now I am working on getting over 12 reps per arm in the one hand pushup exercise.


Edited by Angel Chav
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys, 

Although both athletes are strong:

1) A single arm handstand pushup will never finish just above 90 degrees.

2) A single arm pushup will never be complete unless the chest (and possibly hips), touch the floor.

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