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V-Sit Critique

Timothy Aiken

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Timothy Aiken

This is my V-sit. During swim season my coaches would not allow me to do this so after the state meet my coach told me to bust one out. This is the result. I am looking for any critique on this move, as I am not completely aware of the points of form besides lock elbows and knees. I can see my knees don't look locked but that's unfortunately as far as they go while contracted like that (A flexibility issue that I have almost resolved thanks to F1). Also, I'm not sure how high you have to be for this to be considered a V sit.


Any and all critique is welcome. 



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Joshua Slocum

And ideal V-sit has legs perpendicular to the floor; you need another 20-30 degrees of pike compression for that. 


Your toe-point could be improved, too. 


Other than that and the knees, it looks good. 

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Pasha Muravyev

It's not quite the pike compression - I'm sure you can squeeze out a few degrees there, but mainly you get your legs to vertical by pushing your butt forward. Here's an example: 




Or even more extreme (this is getting into manna-work territory) 



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Timothy Aiken

I will try to compress more, point my toes, and lift my hips in my skill session today.

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Klaudius Petrulis

It is a lot more than most people can do. With practice you'll get somewhere wicked!

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Timothy Aiken

Here is my current progress on the move. I did a hold and forgot to point my toes, while on another I tried to emphasize it. As the description says my triceps are pretty tired from yesterday. It would appear my weak link is my lack of tricep strength (this exists even when I'm not sore, just not as pronounced) to lean back and lift my hips. 


Anything else you notice?


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  • 1 month later...
Timothy Aiken

Okay, I am officially in V-Sit territory! Last week at open gym, I felt my V-sit pull past perpendicular, and this was confirmed by one of the present gymnastics coaches. 

This picture was taken a couple days ago. Had I compressed my pike more, this one would have been past perpendicular too, but I did not stretch enough. 

P.S Not stretching enough is not a common problem, I was just excited to get this picture and forgot it :( 



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Alessandro Mainente

looking good your last form.

you can choose from 2 different form. as you maintain the hips between the arms you have to reach more active compression. on the other side instead of reach extreme compression you can try to push you hips forward, far from the hands, this second form needs more strong shoulders to actively elongate your lats..

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My critique would be try to push the hips out further and don't lean back too much, you should be nearly upright.

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Nice, well done :)

(You are either very small, or these are HUUUUGE bowling balls on the rack behind you... :P)

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Timothy Aiken

They're physio balls! They look smooth because the lighting is weird.

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  • 1 month later...
Timothy Aiken

Progress was made today! Here is my latest hold, I held it for about 3 seconds, and I am honestly quite proud. My knees don't look locked, but that is as far as they go unfortunately (I posted about it in the mobility forum). Any and all critique is always welcome.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Philip Chubb

Does anyone know who the second guy in pashamur's post is? I've never seen anyone that big come anywhere near a manna. Though his legs don't look necessarily huge, it's still impressive.

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Keilani Gutierrez

he's one of the Baran brothers. his name is Eddie Baran :)

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