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planche lean

Gianni Trook

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Gianni Trook

just started back at square one all advice is much appreciated best of luck in all your fitness endeavorspost-4301-0-23263300-1364954071_thumb.jp

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Joshua Slocum

Zach is correct: you need to lean further forwards, until your wrists are just in front of your hip-bones. Also I believe it is recommended to begin planche leans with the hands facing forwards or to the sides; hands backwards is a more advanced variation.

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Gianni Trook

Zach is correct: you need to lean further forwards, until your wrists are just in front of your hip-bones. Also I believe it is recommended to begin planche leans with the hands facing forwards or to the sides; hands backwards is a more advanced variation.

Have hand problems so i cant do them with my hands forward I will try doing it with the sides later today and see how it goes 

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One little detail that makes a big difference in PL leans is how you set your toes/feet up. Look at the attached picture. The top of your toes should face downwards. This makes less easy to cheat meaning less weight on your toes. It will also force you to tighten your core. Everything should be tight including core, legs and feet.post-90-0-70434100-1365003931_thumb.jpg

Try it, you will see what I mean.

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Gianni Trook

One little detail that makes a big difference in PL leans is how you set your toes/feet up. Look at the attached picture. The top of your toes should face downwards. This makes less easy to cheat meaning less weight on your toes. It will also force you to tighten your core. Everything should be tight including core, legs and feet.attachicon.gifimage.jpg

Try it, you will see what I mean.

Just tried it and it helped a lot thanks for the advice 

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Joshua Slocum

I believe that is a Pseudo Maltese lean.

A maltese lean would be with the hands at roughly double shoulder width; the same position as the top of a PMP. 

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