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Form check planche lean and tuck planche

Jordan Garcia

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Jordan Garcia

Hey guys in another topic I asked if any thing was wrong with my form and u told me to go back to leans and tuck planche so I wanna make sure I'm doing it rightpost-4372-0-59426500-1371036412_thumb.jp(planche lean)post-4372-0-51976000-1371036399_thumb.jp(tuck planche)

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Jordan Garcia

I was told in another topic to do the leans for 30 seconds and I can hold a tuck planche for over 30 seconds

When u say pinch the ground what exactly do u mean?post-4372-0-54268300-1371042423_thumb.jppost-4372-0-30218400-1371042447_thumb.jpdoes either one of these look right? In the second one I really focused on trying to squeeze my chest and bring my hands together

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Jordan Garcia

I'm using a phone so the pictures aren't side by side do u mean the first or second picture? Thanks for your help

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