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My Current Sprint Work and goals


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I wanted to make a thread regarding my sprint work and how I can possibly improve my anaerobic conditioning to insane levels. 


Right now I'm sprinting around 3-4 times a week, and I do the following sprint routine mentioned below

1 set of constant 35 meter sprints with 10 second rest between each sprint( I can currently do 18 of these at max)

6 sets of 30 second sprints with 3 minute rest intervals( I might decrease the rest intervals as time goes on)

Tabata sprint workout- four sets of four 20 second sprints with 10 second rest in between each sprint and 4 minutes of rest between each set.


Those are the sprint workouts I'm currently doing, and so far I've have decreased body fat significantly, along with that I managed to max out at a 4.3 40 yd dash done on a football field. 


My goals for the end of the summer is to decrease my 40 yd dash time, as well as be able to do 30 35 meter sprints done in the manner as mentioned above. I just want everyone's opinion on how I could improve my current sprint work and increase my explosiveness/speed and anaerobic endurance. I'm open to all suggestions as well as new sprint routines to add to my current sprint work.

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4.3 40 yd dash done on a football field. "


I'm guessing that's hand timed but WTH, I'll believe it. 


It seems your program looks to be way anaerobic. I have only read a bit on T&F stuff besides what I ran in HS (which TBH doesn't count for much because I wasn't good and our program was too generic [ we all ran 100-400s besides hurdles or relays ].


You could look up the Barry Ross Bear Powered site or just do a google and go through what you come up with.


Honestly, I think I would lend to focusing on one modality per training session vs trying to focus on maximal speed, then 400 speed, then 200 speed.


Other than that, so long as your mechanics are sound, the only thing that is going to get you faster is increasing your Mass Specific Force. How powerful you for your BW. Some T&F coaches prefer the DL or DL variant and other squatting quite often coupled with box jumps or plyo jumps.

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Chris Aldersley

To increase sprint speed you need to be sprinting (I think its something like >95% of max speed). It seems to me like you'll need more rest than the times you've stated. You can also try resistive sprints with a parachute or sled and/or downhill sprinting on a slight decline.


For anaerobic endurance, you're doing it pretty well. Another thing you could add is max efforts for designated time (e.g. 1min) followed by x amount of rest (e.g. 20 seconds)

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Like what Art said above, you need to be sprinting all out in those short distances like 35 meters to increase acceleration with full recovery between sets (10 seconds rest is way too little). The 40 yard dash is mainly all acceleration.


For speed endurance, you want to be sprinting 120-200 meters at something like 80-85% of your max and with full recovery between sets.


Are you also doing any lower body exercises like barbell squats and deadlifts for maximum strength? How about any Olympic lifts or plyometrics like weighted jump squats or bounding to build power? You can put some depth jumps and box jumps in too.

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4.3 40 yd dash done on a football field. "


I'm guessing that's hand timed but WTH, I'll believe it. 


It seems your program looks to be way anaerobic. I have only read a bit on T&F stuff besides what I ran in HS (which TBH doesn't count for much because I wasn't good and our program was too generic [ we all ran 100-400s besides hurdles or relays ].


You could look up the Barry Ross Bear Powered site or just do a google and go through what you come up with.


Honestly, I think I would lend to focusing on one modality per training session vs trying to focus on maximal speed, then 400 speed, then 200 speed.


Other than that, so long as your mechanics are sound, the only thing that is going to get you faster is increasing your Mass Specific Force. How powerful you for your BW. Some T&F coaches prefer the DL or DL variant and other squatting quite often coupled with box jumps or plyo jumps.

Thanks for the Barry Ross site Blair I'll check it out. As for my mass specific force, in terms of lower body I several months ago back in the beginning of spring I was able to squat ATG 275lb at 165 lbs. My deadlift was pretty high too but I forgot the plate measurements since they were  kg plates rather than lbs and I can't remember how many were on. As of right now after doing all of the foundation work and the sprints I would say my leg power has increased since then.


And yea as for my 4.3 it was handtimed, the way I was able to get a 4.3 was after psyching myself up emotionally for an all out max sprint. When I wasn't psyched up I was a bit slower. 

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 Ok, I can believe hand-timed a lot easier.


As of right now after doing all of the foundation work and the sprints I would say my leg power has increased since then. "


If your mobility was poor I might buy this. 275 BS@165 sounds alright, better if you are taller or don't squat very often (1-2x/week).


I'm guessing you are on the tall side? As pretty much anybody with that speed has to be.

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You should check out elitetrack.com and charliefrancis.com which are two of the best T&F forum websites out there. You will surely get way more answers there than from a GST forum.

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  • 4 years later...
Jerry Howard

I juist came across this article. I tried going to bearpowered.com - to find Barry Ross website. It doesn't appear to be up and running. Any suggestions on getting access to there or (is there a newer website)? 


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Alessandro Mainente
5 hours ago, Jerry Howard said:

I juist came across this article. I tried going to bearpowered.com - to find Barry Ross website. It doesn't appear to be up and running. Any suggestions on getting access to there or (is there a newer website)? 


It is a 5 years old thread, 'm not surprised that the link it is not working.

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  • 1 month later...

Try Essop Merrick’s channel on YouTube. He has coached me. Excellent views on sprinting and training in general. I’ll echo other views: way too little rest to be practicing max velocity or acceleration. And for that matter to truly practice max v, 15-20 meters w runup is plenty. And recover well. Several days recovery between truly maximal sprints is really needed. Otherwise CNS isn’t ready

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