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King of the Forum: Who Can Take Down Nigel?

Scott Malin

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Keilani Gutierrez

yeah, im calling it a day until I start working dislocates actively. still not ready to do that yet :) 10 KG ( B-) #insertlameselffivehere) is good enough for me....for now...

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Joakim Andersson

Sooo..... not that I have a vested interest or anything but how are people going with this nowadays?


I'll film mine on Sunday. No need to feel threatened though, at least not if they close the challenge within a few months from now. :)

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Keilani Gutierrez

I'll film mine on Sunday. No need to feel threatened though, at least not if they close the challenge within a few months from now. :)

oooooh snap! 

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Joakim Andersson

I couldn't wait until Sunday. :)



15 kg with 80 cm between hands. I'm not sure but my elbow looks slightly bent on the first rep so I fixed it in the second.


I also dislocated my face. :)

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Keilani Gutierrez

looks like you were damn near to dislocate your soul! I know that feeling "don't stick, don't stick, don't stick! okay, im alive."  :P

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Joakim Andersson

Haha it was my absolute max. Back to training around 7.5 kg for some time now.

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Jon Douglas

Haha it was my absolute max. Back to training around 7.5 kg for some time now.

Second was way better-- your ribs came up a bit in the first :P damn good effort man!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Nigel Leeming

I've been working on the flexibility part rather than the weighted part after listening to one of Coach's interviews, and using a rubber band instead of a pole. It's a little more forgiving on the elbows.

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Is it proper form to allow the lower back to arch when passing the bar over your shoulders towards your back?

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Keilani Gutierrez

Is it proper form to allow the lower back to arch when passing the bar over your shoulders towards your back?

ribs in. it makes the arch go away.

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  • 3 months later...
Nigel Leeming

Back from the elastic band to the pole. I was finding the pole gave me a left inner elbow twinge, but after reading one of Coach's posts, the pole helps with wrist rotation flexibility, so it has returned. I'm definitely getting more flexible, I'm down to 80cm between my hands. Last time I measured it was 86cm if I remember correctly. If I get a bit more flexible and I'll return to the weighted attempts.

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  • 2 months later...
Nigel Leeming

I've been doing this as part of my daily stretching with weighted reps at 5kg (usually between 20-25 reps) where I transition back and forth around the nasty bit. My flexibility has improved to 71cm between hands, and I managed 11kg this morning. My technique felt a bit ropey but following on from two big training days, I'm probably not at my most fluid.

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Kate Abernethy

... felt a bit ropey but .... I'm probably not at my most fluid.

Off with your head! Time for a new King  :P

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  • 1 month later...
Nigel Leeming

13 reps at 7.5kg. Moving on up. I'm beginning to think the Olympic bar will be within reach soon.

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Joakim Andersson

Stupid me skipped the dislocates all summer and came back very stiff. I'm using four kilos and slowly getting hands closer to each other. Been on it again for several months now. Some days are great, some not as great.

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Nigel Leeming

Hi Joakim. I'm the same. Some days I manage quite a few reps, other days less. The day before I managed 13, I'd only done 10. Then the day after, I did 15.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Nigel Leeming

I managed 3 reps with the weighlifting bar yesterday. Unfortunately only the light one, which I think is 10kg. I'll take something to weigh it with next time I'm in.

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