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Coach! When is you book coming out?


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I'm sure many of you are asking yourselves the same question, so Coach be frank when can we expect to see your book out on the shelves?

I've been waiting awhile I love all of your work and have followed lots of it and seen great improvements I'm just waiting on your book!


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coach alots been said about your book but not your books, what is your main (or most talked about) book about overall conditioning or just upper body? what other books are/have you written cause i remeber you telling me about a plyometrics book? whats the dvd, when's it coming out?

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Forthcoming Books

In my forthcoming new article on Dragondoor, I will detail all of the books and how they integrate together. I prefer for the article to be released first and my website being completely functional before beginning detailed discussions of the books and their respective training components.

Yours in Fitness,

Coach Sommer

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