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Full Planche workout plan

Lionel Marie-Emilienne

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Lionel Marie-Emilienne

hey, I'm new here

Do you have any good workout plan for the full planche ? 
I can do The straddle (1sec) but I can't hold it longer, I can hold Advanced tuck with 1,5kg each ankle


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Will add this as a quick question: approx. how much more of wrist flexibility am I going to need to be able to do a straddle planche? (assuming a fairly decent straddle)





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Lionel Marie-Emilienne

  Lol don't worry about my straddle form,  I'm still working on a strict advanced tuck form.
I was looking for a nice routine for the Full Planche

The picture was for the guy who asked for the wrist flexibility

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Are referring to the hand position?


if so, for me, fingers sideways allows even less of a lean than fingers forwards. The back side of the hand elevates and there's barely any base of support left as the fingers can't really help anymore.


The lean in the photos was beyond my training ROM, this was just a test of maximum ability (wrist pain was bad enough at that amount of lean already).


Wound elevating the bottom of the palm while doing PPPs be better for progressing than doing them non elevated but with added weight?




To answer your question, there are countless of routines to choose from, depends on your ability ability to recover quickly.


Russians are famous for their insane (in my view) intensity, volume and frequency, if you think you can keep up with it, befriend the google's translator.


Otherwise, it's all in the book.

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