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Tuck Planche Progression


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Hi Guys,


I set my self a goal of being able to do 10 tuck planche push-ups by July, I've been into bodyweight fitness for the past 2 years and have always been lurking around on this website and various other gymnastics / callisthenics  forums. Over the past 2 years I've accomplished the muscle up on bars, muscle up on rings, pistol squat and have set myself the challenge of 10 tuck planche pushups last month. I have been doing dummbell work doing over head presses, PPPU's and planche leans for coming up to a month and feel that I've made little to no progress, the moment I try and lean forwards I just tumble onto my face. Are there any other exercises that I should be doing to achieve my goal, and also what did you guys find helped you achieve the tuck planche / tuck planche pushup with correct form the fastest? Any help would be truly appreciated.



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Joshua Slocum

You're on the right track. Planche leans and PPPU's well help a lot. Just make sure your scapula are in the right position in those planche leans. 


To help you learn to balance on your hands, frogstands are a good progression between planche leans and tuck planches. 


Also, consider checking out the Foundation series ( https://zp130.infusionsoft.com/app/storeFront/showProductDetail?productId=2 ). It's an extremely detailed program with progressions for mastering, among other things, a straddle planche. 

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