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F1 and/or H1?

David Kan

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I train weightlifting 3 times per week at a weightlifting specialty gym in Lawndale, CA. I am interested in either F1 or H1 (or both) as an accessory to generally strengthen my joints, especially my shoulders. 


Taking into account that I am focusing on weightlifting, is F1 and H1 together too much? Which one would be a priority if I had time for just one?


Can I get a benefit from working F1 and/or H1 without making them my "main thing"? 


Thanks in advance for the answers. I want to make an informed purchase. 


PS Does access to the content expire at some point after the purchase is made?



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Herrick Fang

H1 will target shoulder + wrist mobility.

F1 will give you a general base and fix your weaknesses.


Yes, you can benefit from them without making them your "main thing."

Eventually, F1 and H1 will take up a lot of time though.

I think Coach is working on a program that allows integration with other sports as well.


Access does not expire at some point after the purchase is made.


Overall, you should purchase it and take a look at the massive F1 and H1 forums. That's where the real gold is. If you don't like it, there is a money-back guarantee within 30 days.


By the way, your questions have been asked and answered in the forum plenty of times. Dig around and you'll find a lot of people who come from similar backgrounds asking about F1 and H1.

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