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Forearm Headstand


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I try to develop my free Handstand but I have a problem. I can make free headstand for 3min and can do straight leg raise from headstand for about 10reps.

Yesterday I try for 2nd time Forearm Headstand (it wasn't good at all) and after a while something get very stiff on my upper back. I try to release it with tennis ball and hang on high bar but it hurts me all night.


1. Any suggestion what is it and how to deal with it?

2. where is my problem with Forearm Headstand (I feel much pressure on my head)?


All the best

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Murray Truelove

You could experiment with what part of your head is in contact with the floor. For me, my hairline is where it's most comfortable.

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Elevate your scapula just enough so that all of your body weight isn't on the top of your head, but is also being supported with your forearms.  (Salamba Sirsasana)


If you are able to compare forearm supported headstand to tripod your elbows are two of the three points while the top of your head and your hands are the third point.


If you need to fold up a towel to give your head and neck some cushioning. As a word of warning, keep your head and neck neutral. Your body is going to develop the muscle, connective tissue, and bone of your neck while you are holding the inversion.

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WOW, That was so useful. I tried it now and it was much better. I used to think that my head must be between my shoulder and became the same alignment as handstand but with wider base of support. When I put my head farther then my elbows I think it improves.


Thank you.

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  • 5 months later...
Vytautas Pilkauskas

Hey guys,

I have a question about tripod, HeS and forearm HeS. I love to use these drills in my regular warm up for strength but yesterday one thought came to my mind. How is it performed correctly? Do I have to shift my weight entirely on arms/forearms and keep just a minimum weight on my head (so like a peace of paper could squeeze in between my head and floor)? Because now I'm not having any difficulties to hold any of these positions, they look like an entertaining way to warm up :)

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Murray Truelove

Hey guys,

I have a question about tripod, HeS and forearm HeS. I love to use these drills in my regular warm up for strength but yesterday one thought came to my mind. How is it performed correctly? Do I have to shift my weight entirely on arms/forearms and keep just a minimum weight on my head (so like a peace of paper could squeeze in between my head and floor)? Because now I'm not having any difficulties to hold any of these positions, they look like an entertaining way to warm up :)

As the name implies you should make a tripod with your weight evenly distributed on your head and hands. Remember these are primarily skill drills so don't make them harder than they need to be.

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