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problem doing a tripod


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I need help...tried doing tipod today(my first time for any balancing exercise inverted)...Problem was that i wasnt able to balance myself. Also there was a sharp pain at the point of contact on my head(but I dont have any injuries)...is the pain normal?? Is there any way to improve my balance? Since I couldnt balance I just put pressure on my head while keeping my legs on the floor for around 30 secs to make my head get used to the inverted position.

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Sharp pain is never normal. Most likely you aren't physical prepared to the skill, or are not doing it properly. 

If you post a video in the digital coaching section, you will be able to get some advice on your form

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Technique is the main point. If your having trouble, with the weight on the head/neck, you are probably doing it wrong. Also you can put more weight in the hands to take the stress off the head. Again, posting in digital coaching is the best way to go.

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Ehh, one of the first ways we train this with the itty bitties is merely head on floor, hands making the tripod, feet flexed with toes on floor.

Raise hips and walk feet in closer to hands.

As an adult you have to take this much slower than kids. Also, try not to use a really hard surface at first. Most people's skulls aren't ready for that kind of load. And you need to kind of get used to the sensation/pain.

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It does take some shoulder and neck strength to do this. I've had plenty of students that needed an easier version for a cycle. Blair's suggestion is good, another option I use is to put the knees on mats stacked to the height of the elbows, or up on a chair.

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Alexander Egebak

You can also balance with one leg on the ground and the other lifted, alternating legs sometimes.


If you have a spotter the can also help with the balance and getting you into the position and holding it but that way it is harder to measure progress.

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