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Getting closer to wall while increasing time

Andrew Browne

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Andrew Browne

Coach Sommer said he uses the method of increasing hold time in a wall handstand by 30s (really 15s) each month. I'm wondering if this should be done in parallel with getting closer to the wall; for instance, moving 1cm closer each month as well. Or maybe it is better to do one thing at the beginning of the month and the other in the middle of the month. Or, lastly, they may need to be done one at a time: either focus on one for several months, then the other; or do one month increasing time, one month getting closer... and keep switching.

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I'm certainly no authority on this and you'd probably be much better off with a response from someone more knowledgeable but my guess is that your over-thinking this. Whenever you get up into a wall handstand just make sure you're keeping your body as close to the wall as comfortably possible, comfortable meaning not so close that you're worried about falling forward. As long as your diligent about staying as close as you can every time, you'll inevitably get closer and closer and you probably won't even notice the gradual change.

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Coach Sommer

My recommendation would be to first focus on getting closer to the wall and then, once your alignment is correct, focusing on increasing your endurance in the HS.

Yours in Fitness,

Coach Sommer

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