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A half-one arm handstand pushup (away from wall)

Christopher Schwab

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Christopher Schwab

Hey guys,


I was browsing reddit and stumbled upon this video of a kid called Giuliano Stroe (you'll recognize him as the kid around youtube that pops up now and then doing amazing strength feats). In the video he casually pops up into a one arm handstand and starts pressing down and back up a few inches.... on both sides.


It may not be a full one yet, but this kid looks to be the most promising I've seen yet.


Do you guys think he will eventually do it?



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Ivan Pavlovic

I think that is the video.

I think that it is impossible to resist that pressure on elbow when it comes to 90 degree angle, but even if he somehow get to that angle im sure he wont get a press back to oahs.
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He might get it, but I think he would have to keep his elbow more tucked in to the body.

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