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Perpetually sore muscles?

Chris Hansen

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I wasn't sure the best place to post this but, since I'm looking for the communities thoughts, I put it here.


About 8 days ago I woke up with sore muscles in the upper back, kind of going from one shoulder across to the other shoulder and a bit in the back of the neck. It feels like I worked that area really hard but I can't think of anything unusual I did. I've been taking it easy hoping it would get better but, if anything, it's gotten worse. Just lifting my arm to type this hurts and it kind of interferes with my activities.


Has anyone experienced this or heard of something like it? I'm not sure if there's tension from something or if my posture went bad or if there's a muscle imbalance or what it might be. I have an appointment to be looked at but that isn't until next week so gives me some time to wonder what it is. 



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Douglas Wadle

sorry, but you've got to see the doctor on this one.  could be any number of things.  we wouldn't be doing you any favors trying to play doctor on the internet.  while waiting for appt, you could try gentle stretching and alternating cold/heat therapy.  Good luck.

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Guillaume Schollier

I wasn't sure the best place to post this but, since I'm looking for the communities thoughts, I put it here.


Has anyone experienced this or heard of something like it? I'm not sure if there's tension from something or if my posture went bad or if there's a muscle imbalance or what it might be. I have an appointment to be looked at but that isn't until next week so gives me some time to wonder what it is. 


Be careful with this one.


I had something similar few years ago when doing repetitions of long headstand holds (about 8 - 10 mins, adding up to about half hour on my head), day in day out.

The reason was poor alignment and lack of even flexibility and strength in the shoulders, so that the posture became uneven and put pressure over time on neck and shoulders.


During training, be very careful with your form and record your posture while doing exercises once you've recovered. For now, you'll probably want to back off anything demanding the least of effort on your neck (most exercises working on your shoulders will affect your neck). Strengthening from the lower end (standing postures) and working on alignment in these postures as well as improving overall flexibility and balance will help protect you from this kind of injuries.

What exercises have you been doing more lately?

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Thanks for the replies.


Lately, I've pretty much been doing kettlebell swings, some rows and pullups, and various pushing exercises like pushups, overhead presses, and playing around a little with dips.


I'm starting to think I let my shoulder depressors get weak. When I make an effort to "put my shoulder blades in my armpits" it tends to feel better. Are there any good exercises for that?


Anyway, I have an appointment for Tuesday next week but it would be nice to feel like I have something productive, or at least something to try, until then.

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Guillaume Schollier

Hanging upside down is great for releasing neck and shoulder pain.

It increases blood flow in those areas without any pressure.


Here a picture: 



Legs don't need to be up necessarily. It depends on the equipment you have. I was using a sit up bench at the time. Hang down for at least 5 mins morning and nighttime on empty stomach.

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Have a think about what you did over the previous week as the answer will usually be there.

I would not recommend hanging upside down as you don't know what is going on.

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Thanks for all the replies.


I'm just going to stop everything, except maybe some sls stuff. I might be doing things that affect it that I might not be aware of.

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