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Protracted back exercises?

Daniel Krull

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It was discovered that I don't know how to protract the back and all that I'm doing is rounding the shoulders. What exercises can I do to correct that? Thanks

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Straddle planche progressions in Foundations has what you are looking for.

However, even with those, it can be tough if you are used to rounding. Your upper traps and chest are overactive, and serratus and lower traps underactive. Exercises that fix this imbalance will help.

Some things to start getting the right feeling:


Make this pose in the mirror, trying to see your Lats from the front. Here the serratus is pulling the bottom of your shoulder blade forward. You can also roll from shoulders rolled forward to here with arms by the side to build more controll.

Another harder one is depressions in support on parallel bars. Your shoulders will want to roll forward because of your imbalance. Try to avoid that and feel it in the Lats and serratus.

And adding some stretches that mimic protraction, stretching out the mid back, Lats, and shoulders, should help.

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Yes, those exercises I mentioned would be good warmups though. As long as you can feel the serratus you are on the right track.

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Leonhard Krahé

Actually, I think performing an inclined sPL/PE1 facing a mirror could help you get a feeling for protraction (and retraction).

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No, they are totally different.


Google serratus anterior and latissimus dorsi, for more information.

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I can see the difference between the lats and the serratus and I can flex something around that area, I'm just confused on distinguishing if I'm flexing one or the other.

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You are confused because you have not yet mastered the basics.  Go back and start over again with Foundation One.


Yours in Fitness,

Coach Sommer

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