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press handstand question


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I know hip flexibility is really important for press handstands. I can do a pike and finally can do L-sit on the floor. I can easily do pike press headstands and have been working to get a straddle press handstand and I'm not even close.

Right as I am finishing the headstand pike press I can press out to a handstand. If I elevate my head about a foot and a half using mats, I can straddle press for 3 sets of 10 (most of the weight is on my arms/shoulders). Still, I can't do a straddle press at all if my head is not at least lightly touching the mat.

I can do a straddle press if I'm starting from a shoulder stand on parallettes. My question is, will this help develop the strength necessary to do a straddle press handstand? If not, what can I do to progress to a straddle press?

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Get into a handstand against the wall and practice pressing down. If you can only work the negative that's fine. Figure out at what part of the press down you can press back up to.

HeS pike or straddle press teach the motion but still aren't enough for the press HS. However, HS straddle press down is a lot easier than doing it piked.

Another interesting exercise is hanging leg lift to inverted straddle-L. Try to not stick your head out and shoulder flex to make the leg lift. I prefer to start with straddled legs and roll the hips ups to the position but you can also do a piked leg lift and then move into the straddle-L.

As well work the straddle-L and getting into a sitting straddle and picking up your heels off the ground as high as possible (straight legs and toes) as well as holding it for time. Try to lean your shoulders over your hands versus leaning back or only touching your fingers to the ground between your crotch. However, if that is all you can do while lifting your heels, that's ok too.

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