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Straight arm HUMAN FLAG

Aran Van Dinteren

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Aran Van Dinteren

So i really want to learn this trick! Not only because it trains your core/obliques very well but mainly because it's freaking AWESOME!


Most awesome tricks appear to require more than enthousiasm only so what do you guys advice me to do? 
And i mean exercises to specificly strengthen my core/upper body to become strong enough for the human flag. 


I will probably buy foundation series soon but would love to know great exercises for human flag specificly. 

Thanks alot 

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Alessandro Mainente

Foundations cover exactly your necessity. You do not need to wait more.

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Aran Van Dinteren

okay perfect


Im wondering if you still think that its a 'trick' after a few years of grinding ;)


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John Koliopoulos

Im wondering if you still think that its a 'trick' after a few years of grinding ;)

It won't take that long, holding flag is waaaay easier than full planches, hspu, mannas. A few months good quality training and you will have a 2s flag for sure. Mastery takes longer obviously.

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Toni Laukkavaara

It won't take that long, holding flag is waaaay easier than full planches, hspu, mannas. A few months good quality training and you will have a 2s flag for sure. Mastery takes longer obviously.

Yeah. Im always talking about mastery obv :P

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Aran Van Dinteren

It won't take that long, holding flag is waaaay easier than full planches, hspu, mannas. A few months good quality training and you will have a 2s flag for sure. Mastery takes longer obviously.

a 2s human flag? then i wouldn't dare to say: 'i CAN DO a human flag' 

I would say that i can do it if i can hold it for like 10 sec. so will take a while i guess, even with foundations

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Edoardo Roberto Cagnola

Well, 10s is a pretty decent amount of time when it cones to these kind of moves. Compare it to the mastery time for the SL and FL in F4 and you'll get a better idea of what I mean by that.

Honestly I think that as long as you can HOLD it (meaning that you actually can stop in the correct lever position, not just pass through it, for example during a negative) for 2-3 solid second, you can say that you have that skill. Then again, mastering it is a completely different matter of course, and this is just my humble opinion.

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Alexander Egebak

An important detail to note is that human flag is often referred to with a twisted core. This makes the exercise immensely easier. SL requires a perfectly straight and horizontal line without any twists.

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Aran Van Dinteren

SL is side-lever i assume? Yess i dont know if a human flag is correct if done with half front lever back action but i want to learn to hold it perfectly straight for about 10 sec. 

Same as front lever and back lever though. These are sick SKILLS that i just need to learn. It doesnt have to be soon or within a certain amount of time but before i die i want to master these 

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Aran Van Dinteren

You will be using more of your abs than obliques if you twist your torso up. Abs are usually stronger than obliques.

Yup that's why some people probably do it that way but in my opinion it looks much more official and awesome if you do it straight. Might be a lot harder but that's not the problem. I have enough time as i described before 

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Alexander Egebak

Yup that's why some people probably do it that way but in my opinion it looks much more official and awesome if you do it straight. Might be a lot harder but that's not the problem. I have enough time as i described before 

Well, then there is nothing more to be said.


Start by strengthening and stretching your oblique muscles. Over time, as you get stronger and more mobile, do side lever specific work. Foundation 1-4 cover those aspects.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Alfonso Herrera

Is this the one? I was able to "do it" before starting GST Foundation one, but I still have a long way to master it. As you can see, my obliques were very weak, that´s why it looks like my hips are dropping. For this skill I "lock" my upper body as in an overhead squat and then you activate your core so your hips start going up. I started with my legs ins straddle and then slowly going to the line. Not only your core/obliques need to be engaged, but also your mind. Focus on it and with the exercises in F1 you will be on your not to only "have" the skill, but to master it
(i´m still learning to upload pics)


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