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Wall Handstand Position


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Hello, after reading about the benefits of wall handstands and im trying to get that arch out of my lower back when doing a handstand, i have decied to go back to wall training and i have a question.

Which parts of your body are actually touching the wall?

From what i've read it seems that the closer that your wrists are to the wall the better, so i was working on my wall handstand with my wrists against the wall(belly facing wall) but my posture felt really bad. When working with belly facing the wall should my bely actually be touching the wall, and when working back to the wall should my lower back be touching the wall. what about wrist positioning?... any thing you can tell me about my posture will be helpful, oh and what does hollow body postion mean? and should my posture be any different when doing handstand wall runs?

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1. Stomach to the wall

2. Hands as close to the wall as possible.

3. Shoulders all the way extended and pushed out. If they're not next to your ears, and your arms aren't in line with your body you're doing it wrong. Most people don't have this active flexibility so it needs to be developed.

4. Only toes touch the wall, NONE of the rest of the body.

Wrists are like usually.. finger face forward

Hollow is a fundamental position described in the beginning of the book.


Wall runs and cast wall walks should have the same body line, and shoulder extension

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thanks, what should i do doing to achive better shoulder flexibility?

Foam roll your thoracic spine


wall slides

stretch chest/lats

band dislocates

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