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Christopher  Omeltschenko

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Christopher  Omeltschenko

I heard that many members follow a 5/3/1 program during foundation training. I can't find anything in the forums about that. 

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Alessandro Mainente

it's sound strange, for beginner , so i mean until F2-F3 completion (or at least 12-18 months of training on basic strength ), the linear programming is the best solution.

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Christopher  Omeltschenko

I have been doing foundation for about a year now, pretty much exclusively, and I am noticeably weaker in terms of picking heavy things up off the ground and moving them. This comes in handy for gardening and rehabbing activities. 

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Alessandro Mainente

Building work capacity is the goal of the basic strength and not the maximal effort. foundations do not teach how to do to 1 pullup with the max of the weight, but rather how to build up the body structure in order to maximize the gains for future elements.

5-3-1 is more suitable if you work with percentage and in order to improve the 1rm. but it is not our case.

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Luka Kopusar

last year ive been doing 531 (gym only) for bout 6 months. Its not much, i progressed linearly as much as i could, but i think once you hit heavy weights, you are just fried. It also confirmed within me, that specialty takes time and you have to make a choice where are you going to excel. Weights are good, fun, faster progress but that is all what you do. doing bodyweight masteries is for me far more challenging. which is sometimes fun, sometimes pain in the ass :) 

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