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True Reverse Planche?


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You guys all know a reverse planche to be a handstand with a massive lean.

I want to know... Is there such thing as a planche that is exactly reverse? If you face down your arms at at this angle in a planche \. I was thinking of working on it to be the first, if is hasn't come. What I'm talking about is to face upwards and have your arms at this angle: / Like... A Reverse Lever on the ground.

I'd imagine that it would be incredibly hard to accomplish.

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Yes, this has been talked about.

And yes, it is impossible. I could MAYBE see someone achieving this position in a straddle position at best.

Manna work pushes up the hips up to shoulder height much like you would have to obtain this position, and is very similar to the "tuck planche" in that regard. Straightening out the hips and flatening out the body while maintain the shoulder angle.... not exactly a position that is going to be achieved... now if ever.

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Nick Van Bockxmeer

I can imagine it woudl be possible to open the hips somewhat from a manna. At best, a middle split hold pressed up to horizontal would be a monstrous achievement.

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Joshua Naterman

I think that some version of that might be possible with a solid training base and then some drugs and intense specific training :P Still, very very iffy at best even with the drugs.

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Joshua Naterman

Yea, Can you imagine what that would look like? The back of the shoulder would be like 3 times bigger than the front hahaha! I can't even imagine what kinds of shoulder problems that could cause. I mean, I can, but you know... I don't want to :)

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Well then, I might just have to start training it. And make sure to balance everything out... the side effects of that much muscle are disgusting.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Richard Duelley

A victorian is a reverse maltese, your hands are even with your body. A maltese on floor is sometimes called a Swallow, obviously you cant have your hands aligned with your body on the floor so you just get your body as close to the floor as possible without touching

Look up Danny Rodriguez (sp? on the last name) for the Victorian.

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A victorian is a reverse maltese, your hands are even with your body. A maltese on floor is sometimes called a Swallow, obviously you cant have your hands aligned with your body on the floor so you just get your body as close to the floor as possible without touching.

Look up Danny Rodriguez (sp? on the last name) for the Victorian.

Double post.

Sorry, I'm really bad with names. I'm new to it. I don't know what a maltese or swallow are. I'll look it up.

... Don't look up "Gymnastic Swallow" unless you have a filter on. I see what you mean. An upside down maltese. What do you mean you can't align your hands with your body?

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maltese or swallow is the same thing. Swallow is official international english name for maltese. Victorian is an inverted swallow or if you want inverted maltese.

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Joshua Naterman

... Don't look up "Gymnastic Swallow" unless you have a filter on.


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Richard Duelley
What do you mean you can't align your hands with your body?

So for a ring maltese or victorian your body should be in the same plane as your hands. This is an impossibility on the floor because your body cant be halfway imbedded in the floor so you need to lift yourself a little off the floor so its kind of like a really wide arm planche. Its just like you cant do an inverted cross on the floor because your shoulders cant be lined up with your hands so you do a Japanese handstand (this could be another one of those multi naming convention things just like the maltese and swallow :D ) instead where you hold your head as low as you can without touching it to the floor. :mrgreen:

Cool little fact Gregor I never knew that. At my gym we just call the ring skills a maltese and victorian and on the floor we call the maltese a swallow just to keep them separate. 8)

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I heard for the first time a name "maltese" actualy here :lol::lol: before I new just a name for it called a swallow (like it says in code of points in english version).

@niftyvt :arrow: I always looked about it more like a very low planche :) either way, it's not true maltese but it's goddamn hard :mrgreen:

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Richard Duelley

@niftyvt :arrow: I always looked about it more like a very low planche :) either way, it's not true maltese but it's goddamn hard :mrgreen:

Ya, I work a few 'as wide as I can' adv tuck planches every so often . . . just because I can. :mrgreen: It takes a lot more body tension than my regular planche work for sure! But man is it a cool move. . . I can just picture myself doing it on a picnic table! 8)

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Joshua Naterman
I can just picture myself doing it on a picnic table! 8)

LOL. Wow, I'm in a goofy mood today. Hooray for taking everything out of context!

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Joshua Naterman

Holy crap, that is hilarious! Realistically, our bodies are not constructed to be in that position, but that would be insane to see.

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Thus, slizzard, I am training it. I really do want to be the first one... That would be amazing. I gotta step up my training and start eating right. I'm glad I ran out of halloween candy a few days ago.

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