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True Reverse Planche?


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Richard Duelley
an ant's eye view of my living room floor


I demand a better picture (or a video)! If that is what it looks like !!! :!: :shock: :mrgreen:

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John Sapinoso

There is some kind of witchcraft going on here


some wingardium leviosa may have aided me in giving this visual representation

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Joshua Naterman

And prone victorian presses on a bench. With bodyweight. And a victorian, for that matter. If you can't do a victorian, you sure as hell aren't going to be doing THAT.

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Nick Van Bockxmeer
I tried to hold myself like that with my feet up on something but could not even do that

ive done supports like sometimes, except I'm still bearing a good amount of weight through my legs. Its more like a bridge position than a fully supported position.

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Yea... With my knees on the edge of something, I can go about 40 degrees down. With my feet on the edge, it's more like 30 D: My legs are probably about half my bodyweight though, if you've seen me, you could probably say the same thing.

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  • 3 years later...

I'm pretty sure that guy has severely atrophied legs which makes it much much easier and even then he isn't fully horizontal which means that it will be tremendously more difficult if not impossible for someone with a more normal body. Nevertheless, it is still very cool and a great accomplishment.

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I would say that it is a photo of an athlete kicking out of his manna in the middle of a floor routine.


Yours in Fitness,

Coach Sommer

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Michaël Van den Berg

Nice video. The hold at 2:03 is a low Mexican handstand however, not a reverse planche, and I would think that it's a completely different 'beast'- the shoulder girdle does completely opposite things in a Mexican HS and a hypothetical reverse planche.


Mexican HS is like a bridge with the feet not touching the floor. Reverse planche would be something like a front lever in support position instead of hanging.

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Alessandro Mainente

this is NOT an inverted planche but a very low mexican handstand. the first one is supposed to do extending the legs from a manna position, the second one is lower down from an handstand position locking the position using your level of shoulder extension and thoracic mobility. btw the form in the video is something used very often by the bboys and is one of the position with major risk. the hands due to low shoulders mobility are put on the floor more then 1.5, sometimes 2, times the shoulders distance and in order to push the chest out they bend the arms. this is an extremely bad position for the internal rotation of homerus. you can got a SLAP injury or break the biceps tendon immediately. So if you have to use an example of those skills look to circus performers. 

Cay Jong's mexican handstand can be perfect for that case.

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Yea i know its not a reverse planche xD, but its the only thing that comes close looking like one. Got any links to Cay Jong's mexican hs?

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