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Power for my style.


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Well, I am a Bboy and I love the strength style so to speak of bboys such as Junior and Darkness.

So what would be the best excercises and conditioning methods for me to do in order that it would be beneficial to my bboying style?

What I mean is, getting moves like elbow lever to handstand to be extremely explosive and easy and making my push strength and core strength very powerful so I can almost throw my body around with ease.

At the moment when I do conditioning, I practice my Balance then press strength then do something like this:

5x 2 sets of handstand pushups, first 3 sets just doing 5 reps then last two sets I try and max out. I usualy do around 6 - 10 and the most I can do right now is about 12 with a wall, without a wall most I have done is 7.

hanging Leg raises; 10x10 then a while later I will do 10x10 again. with a two to three minute rest period inbetween each set of 10.

Sometimes I vary it and just do 20x10. My hamstring flexibilty is not that good yet but I still try and get the full range of motion that is possible for me.

And I am not sure if this will help with what I want to do but I do other pulling excercises such as 3x 10 L sit chins and 3x 10 L sit pullups. Then I do 3x10 towel pullups.

So is there anything you can recommend for me to get that intense pushing power of bboys Like Darkness ( my bboying idol)?


Sorry if this message is a bit confusing I am extremely tired.

Thank you.

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Richard Duelley

Since you are doing sets of 10 reps of most of your conditioning movements I would recommend moving to more difficult variations where you can barely do 3 sets of 5 reps. So, if you are doing handstand pushups and are just touching your head to the ground get some books or something and increase your range of motion, for the leg lifts add some ankle weights (and work that flexibility! :wink: ) and dont forget your obliques (side levers are great!), for the pull ups do them in the L-sit but with as wide a grip as possible. It sounds like you can start working one arm chins instead of the L-chins, its fun and very challenging. :mrgreen:

And I am not sure if this will help with what I want to do but I do other pulling excercises such as 3x 10 L sit chins and 3x 10 L sit pullups. Then I do 3x10 towel pullups.

Always balance yourself out, so keep in the pulling movements.

Hows your planche, static handstand, front/back levers, L-sit (on the floor), straddle-L, press handstands, and do you have a pair of rings?

What I mean is, getting moves like elbow lever to handstand to be extremely explosive and easy and making my push strength and core strength very powerful so I can almost throw my body around with ease.

Can you already press from an elbow lever to a handstand? If not work on pressing to a headstand first and then do a handstand push up (this is where I am with this movement). Also work the eccentric part of the movement, so hold a solid handstand and lower to an elbow lever.

I typed this up really quickly so if you have any questions as away!

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