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Health benefits of GST: Improved Digestion

Indeep Jawanda

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Indeep Jawanda

Was wondering if anyone, including Coach, has over the years working with GST, noticed any improvement in general health parameters? More specifically with an improvement in their digestive ability (assimilation, absorption, circulation, elimination) after doing certain exercises in the GST curricula. 

I am thinking that core exercises such as hollow holds, body levers, v-ups, HLLs, russian twists, side arches and windshield wipers might somehow strengthen the muscles surrounding the the digestive appartus including the intestines, thereby massaging them, thereby making them function better which would ultimately lead to better digestion and absorption of your high quality food intake.

Anybody have any thoughts or experiences in regards to this subject matter?

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Briac Roquet

Well, that kinda directly answers the question. Basically, strong core = well functioning diaphragm and given all its functions, well, better health. 
To add my own experience, if slightly less elegant, I often have to go to the bathroom after Front Lever work....

Can't say if all this directly relates to better food absorption though.

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  • 2 months later...
Antonio Alías Montoya

I improved a lot in my digestion ability since I started with strength training 2 years ago. I had always slow digestion and felt full and tired for long hours. I didn t expect that change to happen and I cannot say it s just because of the training, but definitely it s one of the important point. In my case I should say that the more muscle I was gaining the fastest and better was becaming my digestion and the more challenging the workout the better the digestion. 

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Jonas Winback

I've noticed this. I already have good digestion and intestinal motility as it is, moving around at work, walking 2+ hours a day on an office treadmill throughout the day, 90+ minutes of moderate intensity crosstraining a day. Even so, I've noticed an improved motility during certain exercises, most of all during supine windshield wipers. If I've gotten a better digestion overall from a stronger core I cannot say, but things do tend to move around a bit more when I'm doing the actual workouts. Maybe windshield wipers is the digestive version of Epley's maneuver for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, making gravity do its job in exactly the right angles ;) (sorry, bad physio joke)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Brendan Kittredge

Absolutely have noticed this, but I could be a unique/extreme case. I used to have really bad "IBS." I also used to think I had a rib that was "out of place" from being "dislocated" during an old wrestling injury. It stuck out pretty prominently. I've since discovered that my core was all kinds of twisted up and full of various weird compensations which I think contributed to both issues. Since starting GST I've noticed this rib going back into place and my digestion has improved. As my core and diaphragm have regained strength and my body has realigned itself I can feel the internal muscles working better. I'm also a lot newer to this so the same improvements might not apply to some of you veterans!

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