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another press handstand question


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I finally did a straddle press handstand on Friday, though it is with bent arms. Question, my goal is to get a press with straight arms: am I better off training the press handstand with straight arms against the wall still, keep working with bent arms freestanding or both? I hate working against the wall, will there be a carryover or will the bent arm press progress to a straight arm press?

Here's a video, though not a very good example


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work your triceps, your biceps helps in the press to hst when your triceps is to weak you can'tkeep your arms straight i learnd it with bent arms an 10 later i could preform it with straight arms . keep pressing work your hamstrings (flexibility and work your triceps.


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I hated working them against the wall, however I think it's a much better option.

Right now my press HS on rings has a similar bend but I work it with as straight of arms as possible with the goal of lock out (worth a value higher).

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