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A Great Way to Perfect HS Alignment:


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My HS has improved exponentially recently. I was doing the usual wall HS and decided to go for the doorway yesterday. Then I realized I had my pull up bar set there... so I put my feet on it. I lifted up a little and had an epiphany.

Hanging from your toes gives you perfect alignment. I got a feel for it, and tried a few other things. Today, I was at breakdance club and it turns out, my HS has gotten a lot better. My almost immediate falling over turned into a 5 second HS. Not much as a beginner, but it's a big jump, as I'm sure most of you have been through. I'm sure constant practice will really help. It should also be good for someone trying to relieve lower back pressure :D

Thank you all!

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Hanging from your toes gives you perfect alignment.

I'm tall enough so I can touch the ceiling with my feet when doing handstands on parallettes. That forces me to stay as tall and extended as possible during HS. And you will know when you begin to sag. I guess that helps, too.

I also do HS wall runs ("ceiling runs" :wink: ) this way and it feels great.

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Here's a pic of what I'm talking about:


Heinrich got the idea too :D I can touch the top of the doorway (as you can see). If you lightly touch it, you get a great feel for your balance. About to fall? Push your toes into the ceiling and it'll stop you from falling over. Of course this is just like wall HS because you can let go completely, and when you feel like falling, just get your toes on it again. Full extension is key. It won't work if your aren't fully extended.

Sorry for the short shorts :D

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Ehh short shorts are the way to go when working out alone. I just typically wear my boxers and wear long shorts or pants on pommel horse. :wink:

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Hanging by your toes is good idea and a nice first step. After you are comfortable with this drill, to progress onward adjust the height of the bar so that when you are stretched up as far as possible in a HS your toes can just barely reach the bottom of the bar. If your bar is adjusted correctly, as soon as you cease to press upward strongly your toes will lose contact with the bar.

Yours in Fitness,

Coach Sommer

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