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GB Instructor List

Max Wallach

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I tried doing some searches, but to no avail.  Is there a GB Instructors list with their locations anywhere on the site?  

I am working through F1, H1, and Stretch, but I am interested in getting some in person feedback.  I've been to a seminar already and look forward to going to another one next year, but sometimes a little one on one feedback helps to identify specific areas to work on as well as appropriate regressions. I'm in the SF Bay area.



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  • 7 years later...
Gregory W Pyron

The affiliates link above is no longer working.  Are there still affiliate gyms.  I would love to find one in the DFW area.


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Alessandro Mainente
9 hours ago, Gregory W Pyron said:

The affiliates link above is no longer working.  Are there still affiliate gyms.  I would love to find one in the DFW area.


Hey Gregory, i'm sorry but many things have changed since 2016....i do not know the affiliates now.

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  • 2 months later...
Daniel Harris

I would love to find UK based instructors, especially in London. Do you know how I can find this out?


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