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Slight weigh gain

Katie McKenna

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I started gymnastics bodies about one year ago and I'm progressing fairly well - about ready to move to Foundation 2.  I've gained about 5-6# according to the scale.  I see more muscle tone and don't really feel like I've gained weight at all.  How much of this weight gain is likely muscle?  I'm amazed and thrilled at how much stronger I've become. 

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Everett Carroll

Hi Katie,

Putting on muscle is common when people work through the GB curriculum. You would need body composition test information from before and after beginning GST to know exactly what has changed. SInce you are progressing well with your training, I doubt you are putting on unhealthy weight. 

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If you don't feel heavier and you're only getting stronger, chances are your weight is mostly or almost exclusively muscle. The body naturally puts on muscle and fat at the same time. Only question is how much.

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If you see more muscle tone, then your eyes are not deceiving you. You have gained muscles, probably all the weight, and I also suspect that you lost some fat. Congratulations!!! I am fairly lean and fairly muscled, but since I started the GST in August, my body is changing as well. For the better :) leaner and more muscular (and stronger). 

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Katie McKenna

I generally have a very positive body image, its fascinating to observe myself getting triggered by the numbers.  Time to focus on what's real: real strength and mobility.  Thanks for all your responses!


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  • 5 months later...
Benjamin Wright

Hey guys,

I'm currently 14 weeks into the program and progressing well in foundation 1 which is essentially my rehab. However, I am starting to gain significant muscle mass, gradually. I am just wondering, will this be a problem in the future (for movements or tendons) as I have heard Coach Sommer mention that he attempts to reduce the amount of muscle mass gained in the legs for his athletes. I am also 19 so may be still growing but should i be concerned?

Thanks in advance for any replies,


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Pauline Taube

HI Benjamin,

Thanks for reaching out.

Happy to hear that you're progressing well through your Foundations. It's completely normal to gain some muscle mass during Foundation One due to the high volume. I don't think you should be concerned about this as long as you're progressing with your training. Your body will eventually adapt to the high volume and once you get to the more advanced exercises you will work more specifically on strength :) 

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Jon Douglas

Nothing to be concerned about. The programming will put on (only) as much muscle mass as is necessary to build basic leg strength,  as defined by Coach's standards :)

You'll develop hard legs, you won't develop big legs following this as written. Ale has previously written about modifications that could be made if one did want to include more lower body hypertrophy in their training.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I remember Coach said something along the lines of it's great that GB meant he didnt have to worry about athletes increasing their leg mass as they arent competing. Obviously makes sense for competing gymnasts not to increase mass but i dont thinl it's a concern for the non competing GB student.

 Personally i feel hypertrophy-me-them-there-wheels.  It wouldnt happen anyway, you'd have to continue with some serious frequecy / volume / load to add any serious mass to your legs over the long term, after the initial newbie gains. .

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