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Human flag and OAC while weighing 277?

Guest Ido Portal

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Joshua Naterman
Slizzard post a reply video!!!

HAHAHA, I'll tell you what, I don't know what the hell I'd reply with. I can probably hold human flag, but only momentarily. I've done 3 second holds before but I don't know if my shoulders can handle it. It was too much then. In a few months I'll possibly be able to do the same "OAC" that he's doing. When I was on my ship I could go from a dead hang to a few inches above 90 degrees, but even then it was too much for my elbows. I am slowly prepping, and eventually I'll be able to post a video with full ROM OAC and OAP, perhaps even multiples. I'm pretty sure that's at least a year and a half off.

What would you want to see me do as a reply?

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