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Trigger point massage ball

Étienne Lajeunesse

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Étienne Lajeunesse

Hello everyone,

Does a massage ball make the same work as a foam roller?  Currently, I don't have enough space in my bag to put a foam roller, so can I only use balls on trigger points?

Thank you!

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Suzanna McGee

Yup. Sometimes it's beautifully intense too, because you reach areas that  you cannot reach with the foam roller. Besides all the balls such as tennis, lacrosse, softball, foam ball, etc, my absolute favorite is Rogue's SuperNova one. Firm and great size… 


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Étienne Lajeunesse

Cool, thanks!  I have some lacrosse balls, but will look for this one :)

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Étienne Lajeunesse

When you say Supernova one, is it the first version?  Because the 2.0 looks a bit big and, in the reviews, some point the fact that it's not as deep.

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Suzanna McGee

I mean Supernova 2.0 one (i.e. ball)… sorry for the confusion. Yes, the 2.0 is bigger, and I think,  better. I'll reach everything  :-) 

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Affan Osman

Today I received my supernova 2.0 and rumble roller based on @Suzanna McGee recommendation in an earlier post. I tried supernova on my hamstrings and shoulders and it felt really good in a painful way. Thanks  :) 

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Alessandro Mainente

Hi Etiènne i'll try to be realistic with ball massage,  2 mine friend pinched a nerve and they need a surgery to take off the tingling of the right arm. my suggestion it is to use a foam roller, maybe a hard version but be extremely careful with self thretment. 

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Étienne Lajeunesse

I understand, but is the risk a lot lower on the foam roller?  

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Alessandro Mainente

A lacrosse ball has a very small surface compared to a foam roller so the risk of pinching a nerve it is lowwer.

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Étienne Lajeunesse

Ok, so you do recommend myofascial release, but with a foam roller, right?

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  • 4 weeks later...
Jon Fortran

I think there two different tools tbh. 

Foam roller is nice for a quick roll out get the blood flowing - warm up tool, where as the trigger point ball really breaks up the tightness for me - I use it therapeutically. It's a bit difficult to really warm up with a trigger point ball for me, have you tried little tiny foam rollers ? like 12 inch?


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