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Office job impacting gains

Fahad Khan

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I work a desk job 9 hours a day that involves absolutely no movement at all. I stand the whole day at my desk, I refused to use a chair whilst working and I stretch something every hour or as much as I can. Is this a good idea if I'm doing mobility exercises every day after work. Will that stop me losing mobility or can I sit down? Thank you

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Darin Phoenix

Hi Fahad, 

Sitting at a desk for long periods of time during the day is a problem that lots of todays society must contend with. It sounds as though you are already doing a great job by trying to get in some stretching and mobilising every hour. You are able to sit for periods, just make sure that you are getting up regularly and moving around as much as you can. This along with balancing the correct ratio of mobility and strength in your training will go along way to combating the negative effects that spending too long in the sitting position can cause.  

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Thank you Darin for the tips and advice.

In the 7 elements of GB Foundation 1-4, I can expect to improve my mobility and strength in those 7 areas. If I sat all day at work and didn't stretch/mobilise, would my progress stall or would I still be able to gain strength and mobility over time doing F1-4? 

I'm really not comfortable with sitting as I have noticed some really bad effects even if I do move around every so often.

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Luke Searra

Hello Fahad,

Standing, working and stretching the way you are is the healthiest way to go for sure. It would probably hinder your gains in F1-4 if you decided to sit all day. It would also likely decrease your productivity to sit all day. The best course of action for your progress would definitely be to stand. STAND ON!

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12 hours ago, Luke Searra said:

Hello Fahad,

Standing, working and stretching the way you are is the healthiest way to go for sure. It would probably hinder your gains in F1-4 if you decided to sit all day. It would also likely decrease your productivity to sit all day. The best course of action for your progress would definitely be to stand. STAND ON!

Hmm. Thought so. Okay I will stand.

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Jon Douglas

Right now I'm on desk patrol. It is not ideal, but I am certainly progressing, and I've taken it as impetus to redouble work on hamstrings  (stall bar pike work mostly ) and bridges to combat the big ticket mobility issues associated with it. 

It will not completely render all your training and stretching moot. Certainly you are better off standing and moving as much as possible over the day, but we do what we have to do and sometimes there are periods we must work with the situations we have :)

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Alessandro Mainente

Hey Fahad, my personal suggestion it is to begin immediately with the front split series . Also if you have already owned it I can tell you a short routine that you SHOULD to every 1.5/2 hours of work on the desk.

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Jonas Berglund
4 hours ago, Alessandro Mainente said:

Hey Fahad, my personal suggestion it is to begin immediately with the front split series . Also if you have already owned it I can tell you a short routine that you SHOULD to every 1.5/2 hours of work on the desk.

Im very intressted in the routine @Alessandro Mainente,, Have you posted it somewhere on the front split board? Appreciate your work!

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Alessandro Mainente

Not yet, please open another discussion in the private forum.

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On 4/20/2017 at 10:01 AM, Alessandro Mainente said:

Hey Fahad, my personal suggestion it is to begin immediately with the front split series . Also if you have already owned it I can tell you a short routine that you SHOULD to every 1.5/2 hours of work on the desk.

I'm interested too! Is there another post open in the private forum that i missed? Thanks very much!

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