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Khyposis can completley fixed?

Yoav Maor

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Hey im 22 years old I have khyposis between (45-55degress)  since I was  15 years old it hapened to me because I spent my whole time sitting  in wrong  postion on the computer 


Ive been doing t spine mobiliaztion and extansion (foam roller) with some yoga exrciese  that I found on youtube and only in 2 weeks I see good improvment lets say 5% my question is can I fix my kyposis completley or just can improve it?? Had any one  here fix it before without surgery?

Edited by Yoav Maor
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Alessandro Mainente

Hi Yoav and welcome to GB, a congenital kyphosis means something involved with the 3D structure of the vertebrae and it cannot be cured, never. ti can be easily diagnosed by a physio (usually at the palpation the spine bones appear as a wedge that makes impossible to the spine to extend). 

If the bones are fine then it can be recovered in many years of work.


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Thanks , well I remember when I was 13years old I did xray to my spine and my doctor told me that my spine is fine ,  but Like I said I was always sitting with bad posture on the computer for hours and that really  what cause my khyposis btw we all has good spine in the family so I dont think its genetcs or congenital kyphosis

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For example this exercise was imposible for before  2 weeks  (shoulders forward and head) but now after 2 weeks of yoga foam rolling I can do it my shoulder touching the wall but my head little bit forward so I can feel that there is a big change in my upper spine , I have question congenital kyphosis cant even improved ? If yes then Im sure 100% that my bones are fine waiting for your answer


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Jon Fortran

I've found that scapular retraction exercises and opening up pec major and minor really helps me. 

Check out some olympic weightlifting stretches great stuff!

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Tanya Hill

Hi Yoav, 

I personally struggle with some lumbar curvature and thoracic fold. It definitely makes for more daily maintenance. It may not be fixable but it can definitely be controlled. It has been hard for me to get a perfectly straight handstand for this reason but the journey doesn't stop there! Keep going my friend and maybe look into an inversion table. :)

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Yoav Maor



When I sleep on my back and look wt my self in the mirror from the side wow my back almost 100% straight (little bit the neck forward) but after let say 1 hour-2 the curve back again 


And btw I think I have dowager’s hump not khyposis 

Any advice

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