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Genetics based diet tests

Kate Abernethy

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Kate Abernethy


Does anybody have experience/ advice/ opinion on the genetic based diet tests out there? Examples are those by DNAfit (UK) and 23andme.com (US). I would be interested to know, thank you.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Ethan Grossman

I've done a program called LEAP.  It requires a registered dietician to coach you and really get the most out of it.  I used to to accelerate my recovery after Chemo 7 years ago and then again to cure my Migraines. To find it do a google search for LEAP Diet Test.  One downside is that it's hard to find a qualified dietician in your area but some will do teleconference based sessions.

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  • 1 month later...
Denis Bokov

I have done both DNAfit and 23andme.com. Both has confirmed my observations and conclusions I came to by experimenting with multiple diets. I would recommend to do 23andme and then upload your data to Rhonda Patrick's tool that will give you analyses of your polymorphisms. Another fun tool is Nutrahacker. It provides a lot of info based on your genes. 

I have been following dietary recommendations based on my genetics and so far maintaining 10% body fat while slowly building more muscle mass. 

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Luke Searra

Kate I have had a friend that has done DNAfit show me his profile, it was actually very interesting. I would go ahead and give it a try, if for nothing else the sheer interest factor. The profile information that you will receive back is extremely interesting.

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