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Thrive and my daily eating

Valerie Morwood

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Valerie Morwood

I'm really not sure if thrive would be worth it for me. A typical day of eating for me is:

7am coffee +1tbsp mct oil +apple while reading

8am workout GST(foundation or handstand or tumbling)

9am breakfast: 2eggs, 1/4avocado, salsa, 1/2 sweet potato, square of dark

1130am workout skipping

1230pm lunch: smoothie with 1 banana, 1cup strawberries, 1 cup cauliflower, scoop of vega protein, 1/4 cup full fat canned coconut milk, several spoonfuls of cocoa powder

500pm larabar +piece of fruit+cucumber

600pm stretch course (on applicable days)

800pm supper: very large salad with lots of different vegetables+1.5 tbsp flax oil, animal protein (fish or chicken or beef), 1-2cup winter squash, 1 small potato, piece of dark chocolate, 

900pm bulletproof decaf coffee with 2tbsp butter

1000pm sometimes I have a small smoothie with almond milk, berries, and collagen and/or vega protein

this does not include all the veggies I snack on throughout the day.

Would Thrive change this very much?

Right now it seems to be working for me, but I could I make improvements by making changes regarding proportions of macros (I don't eat much starchy carbs)? Or by changing the timing of my specific meals? Is this enough? 


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Antonio Alías Montoya

Thrive will indeed change some things. You are eating from 5 to 6 times a day and Thrive will keep it from 3 to 4. You are not eating a real lunch, just a smoothie, Thrive will adress that. There are othera I can t tell you about. I can just tell you Thrive teaches that there is a recommended optimal food, a not bad but not optimal food and a real bad food. It does not requires to drop any food, but it requires to eat more and more of the good one, so that there s no space for the bad one. It gives aproximate portions and timing. You are eating quite healthy, so I think the change for you won t be drastical from what I see, but you must expect a change, that s what you are looking for, don t you? :-)

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Valerie Morwood

Yes. If I get thrive, I would want a change. I am asking because I don't want to get thrive and find out I already eat similar to how I would eat with thrive. I have consulted with dieticians and nutritionists in the past with the result being that they told me I was doing great, and they had no recommendations. I like how I eat now, but I'm willing to try something new if it will help me train better.

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Antonio Alías Montoya

@Valerie Morwood so then definetely go for it! Your nutrition is not bad, but it will get better with Thrive. I just said so because some people are looking for changes but stating at the same time they don t want to change! Funny! :-) There will be many changes to your diet with Thrive but not as much as for a vegan doing Thrive!

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11 hours ago, Valerie Morwood said:

 I like how I eat now, but I'm willing to try something new if it will help me train better.

Why change something that already works well and what you like? Nutrition is not a hard science and there is some room of interpretation. While Thrive is a good course for getting better understanding of the nutrition topic overall and set a good baseline (it also helps you through out of the window lots of BS that we read from newspapers and fitness sites), then if you are currently feeling well and energetic, then I don't think Thrive will change much of it.

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Valerie Morwood

That is a good point that I like how I eat now, but I don't know what I don't know. Maybe I would learn stuff with thrive that would make me eat differently in a way that would boost my performance/strength/recovery. That is why I'm asking for a review of what I eat, and whether thrive would be a good investment for me.

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Everett Carroll

Give it a shot, Valerie. If you like what you're doing now then you'll be pumped on how you feel after Thrive. 

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